Friday, August 5, 2005

Sometimes I amaze myself...

Since I didn't have a needy, clingy kitten climbing all over me last night and wanting to play constantly (which I don't's cute), I took advantage of the fact that I could do exercises in our house without worrying about stepping on her.

Well, just a note to myself and to anyone else who considers being as stupid as me: When you are inspired to exercise, DO NOT do 100 lunges when you haven't done ONE in about 3 months. I can barely walk today... it feels like someone implanted rocks in my butt that are resistant to any type of movement. I know I probably look like a waddling duck today when I walk. Perhaps next time I will only do 50 because this is a little crazy, but hey, I guess they work, huh?

1 comment:

pablo said...

Well you don't have to worry about me making that mistake since I have no idea what a lunge is.