Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Monsoon 2005!

Last night we had the craziest storm I've ever seen in my life. It was unbelievable. It was a rival to midwest storms aside from the fact that there were no tornados (although you can't tell it by looking around-there is debris, uprooted trees and blown off roofs everywhere!) Most of the monsoon storms we've had just hit a portion of the valley... some hit the east valley, some hit the west, some hit the north, some hit the south. But this one hit THE WHOLE THING. And most of the time on the radar, the darkest color is orange...last night there was PINK! The heaviest rain possible. We got about 3 inches of rain in about 30 minutes. Our average rainfall during the entire monsoon season is not even that much and yearly it is about 6-7 inches. So, it was nuts! Most of the freeways were shut down because of flooding (luckily, they were reopened this morning) and a lot of the side roads were shut down as well. The lightning was nuts too... it was a strobe light-it never stopped! We heard on the news that Phoenix hasn't seen a storm like this in over a decade. It was definitely kind of cool and totally crazy! Awesome, that's the word to describe it.

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