Friday, October 1, 2010

Updates and such.

I'm back! It's been a while, eh? I've had some massive computer issues (no, seriously, they were OUT.OF.CONTROL) so I haven't been able to post much but I'm back and in working order now and I have posts from the past month and half ready to go..... Here's the recap of the "backlog" to track what posts go up when they are made:

August 14, 2010: Cereal overload

August 15, 2010: ...annnnd another food post

August 16, 2010: This is about how my Saturday went:

August 17, 2010: And one more weekend day

August 18, 2010: Another glorious trip to those cities out west.

August 22, 2010: Miss Ashley visits Washington and a wedding up north.

August 23, 2010: Post wedding adventure east.

August 24, 2010: Touring the city of Seattle.

August 25, 2010: Exploring Seattle, day 2

August 26, 2010: A tale of a big metal truck: a sad, sad day.

August 30, 2010: Ending August with a bang.

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