Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Another glorious trip to those cities out west.

On August 17, I ventured to Aberdeen, Washington. Again, yes, again. I only went for the day to check in on my team down there so it ended up just being a lot of driving around in the car... for 5 hours to be exact. I was a little bored.

Of course, the second I get to Aberdeen the sunny, 75 degree weather I'd had the whole way down turned to this: yuck, rainy, COLD. Naturally.

And a shot of Grays Harbor from where we were working at the client. We kept thinking the sun would break through but it never happened. Of course, 20 minutes after I left Aberdeeen that afternoon, my car temperature read 85 degrees and it was clear and sunny as could be. It's a phenomenon that I just don't understand.

I hit some pretty bad traffic on my way home but GUESS WHAT I SAW!? A license plate from American Samoa! I have always had a fondness for this place after I had an extreme blonde moment in my early twenties and was on the international site of a make up company. I couldn't find the United States anywhere under "countries" and American Samoa was the closest resemblance to the United States of America. So I shipped about $200 of makeup to American Samoa. When I told my friends about this, they promptly laughed until they peed their pants, then called me an idiot once they caught their breath, explained to me what I had done, and told me I should probably call the company to get my makeup re-routed to the CORRECT America...the United States. Well, I did so and the lady had me repeat the story about 10 times saying, "ok, wait, you did what?" Needless to say, my makeup never made it to me.
All a very true story, I assure you. So I was very excited to see this license plate since I have such a personal history with American Samoa. I wonder if these people ever saw a box of makeup floating around addressed to me...Hmm....

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