Friday, September 30, 2011

What was supposed to happen on Friday night....

We were supposed to get the kids all weekend.

As such, were supposed to leave at 4pm to drive to get the kids.

We were supposed to then get home, eat kid-friendly food with them... pizza, tacos, you know, what teenage boys like.

Then, we were supposed to sit on the couch, catch up with them, and go to bed early to catch up on sleep since we had a weekend of the kiddos ahead.

None of this happened (foreshadowing).

Communications got crossed and instead, we ended up with an entirely free weekend. So, what to do? Head in to Seattle for date night at Cafe Flora, an entirely vegetarian restaurant (and supposedly one of the best in Seattle):

We got there around 4:30pm, the time we were supposed to be in the mountains driving to get the kids.

Instead we were picking out wines (sorry for the sketchy iphone photo).

And ended up with an INCREDIBLE 100% cab... in which was not only amazing, but all profits go to a non-profit organization (even better!)

After sipping on some wines, we moved on to the menus for more happy hour options... at around the time we would have supposed to have been heading back down the mountain.

We had fried green tomatoes (pictured above... how have I never tried fried green tomatoes in my life?), sweet potato fries (delectable!), and coconut tofu. At which point, I died, went to heaven and begged the question of "Why I have NEVER been to Cafe Flora in the 4.5 years I've lived in Seattle?"

And this sweet guy looked at me (kind of like this!) and said, "I knew you'd love it, want to stay for dinner?"

Dinner at an amazing vegetarian place in Seattle when we were supposed to be eating kid friendly foods at home? Yes, please. Not that I'm not the first to love a night at home...

BUT. This was not that night.

So, how about dessert too? More wine perhaps? How about all of the above?

That's what we did... gnocchi for me, oaxca tacos for him, brownie and peach crisp for dessert. Oh yes, and amazing spicy pumpkin soup somewhere in between with another glass of wine and some bourbon to cap off the four hours we spent here (seriously). 

And then we went home late, stayed up late talking and sharing when we were supposed to have been fast asleep for several hours if things had gone according to plan.

And sometimes, even if the night or days or weekend were supposed to go one way and would have been just as great that way, the way things end up working out are just as good than they were supposed to work out originally...especially when you relax and just take things as they come, for exactly what they are. 

(always a good lesson to remember for those of us Type A people who like to plan...)

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