Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I swear, we both have college degrees.

But whether or not we should remains in question after our relapse in judgement after returning from the beer olympics. See this post for beer olympics recap.

We returned from the beer olympics earlier this year as I mentioned in the previous post. Sunday night vs. monday morning. We'll just go ahead and blame me. Perhaps I was just over it but in all reality I felt a little less than stellar. The combination of drinking keystone light (yuck) and then moving on to walking around all night the prior night drinking a bottle of wine OUT of the bottle (we'll go ahead and blame the influence of keystone light for that one), then tent camping after all of this (not much sleep) resulted in a rather grumpy Sunday. And the thought of playing more beer games and drinking more just made me want to hurl. I couldn't rally. <----- getting old. So, yes, go ahead and throw keystone light cans at my head and blame me for coming back early. BUT, we did. It was for the better. And our livers thanked us. (Truthfully it was for the better anyway as we missed traffic monday).

So Monday was the labor day holiday. We figured that since we came back early and we'd gotten a good night's sleep Sunday night that we were just fine that day to do whatever. No hangovers here!

And in our defense? We really weren't ever THAT hungover. Perhaps "that" is the imperative word here.

But that's beside the point.

After hanging out on Monday and getting some things done around the house, we decided to go to hot yoga at 4:30pm. A power vinyasa class (meaning, the more "workout" of the hot yoga series. Power vinyasa is all about flow and strength, not stretching like a Hatha class would be). You see where this is going right?

Um. Yeah.

About 10 minutes in (I kid you not), Justin and I were not only about ready to die but we were DYING. DY-ING. As in, about to puke, pass out, and just surrender to the world to take us now. (And also? We were probably sweating out keystone light). For the next 50 minutes we both laid there in child's pose debating internally whether or not we should leave the room or not (they frown upon you leaving while in class). Or rather that was Justin's scenario. After about 15 minutes in child's pose, I decided I could tough it out. Mind over matter, right? Well, I tried that for about 20 minutes at which point I died again. Luckily shortly after that started the stretching rotation so I made it through the end of class (though Justin said when I was up trying to do some poses, I was sweating on him which made him feel even more queasy... oops!)

When we left the class, we both sat outside for god knows how long. We were both shaking, spinning, having hot/cold/chill flashes, and felt like we were high. At which point we both turned to each other and tried to blame the other for this form of torture (I think I lost).

At the end of all of this brilliance, I think the lesson to be learned was this: NEVER, NEVER, NEVER go to hot yoga after a night (or weekend) of drinking...even if it is the best detox around.

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