Sunday, January 22, 2006

I somewhat retract my earlier opinions

Tim decided to drive home from California on Friday night instead of yesterday morning so that we could get to the DMV as early as possible yesterday. It opens at 8 a.m. so we got up around 6 so that we could leave at 7 and get there by 7:15 or so. When we got there, there was a line of about 100 people ALREADY lined up and waiting. The parking lot was already full. Our jaws hit the floor and visions of an 11:00 finish time flashed through our heads. So we hopped in line and by the time 8 a.m. rolled around, there was another 100-150 people BEHIND us (we were so bored and FREEZING cold that we counted the people in front of and behind us to make the time go faster).

At 8 a.m. we sort of started moving when they opened the doors. Tim got out of line and took the mini to get 'inspected,' which is basically the stupidest thing ever. It involves sitting in a line with your car to have someone take 10 minutes to write down your vin number.

We got in to the front desk at about 8:25 and then I had to wait in another line to take an eye exam. We finally got a number at about 8:35 and we sat down, anticipating to wait another 20-30 minutes (which I do have to say is MULTITUDES better than the last time we visited the DMV in July). BUT, BUT our number was called in 2 minutes after we sat down!! We went over and I got my license. The lady sent me over to the photo line so that I could do that while Tim did the title/registration for the mini. By 9 a.m. we were finished! We were only there for about 1.5 hours and we ran into NO problems whatsoever. Absolutely astounding. And, even better, we ended up paying about $200 less than what the DMV website said we should have paid to register the mini cooper. Sweet! We were pumped!!

And to add to the exciting DMV news, we have not seen barf from the cats since Friday night. I guess the bag of food I bought last week was bad because with this new food, they have been 500% better. I am so, so happy. Tim claims that it's because he's home now... they just missed him, thus the reason for the barf. If that's the case, he's never leaving again!

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