Saturday, June 25, 2005

We can't say we weren't warned....

I have three letters that I probably dislike more than anything: DMV. I hate the DMV. Why can't all states be uniform? Here are the reasons that really dislike the Arizona DMV:
1) We went on Monday. Line was out the door and wrapped around. Temperature: 115. We leave.
2) Monday afternoon CALL the DMV to see EXACTLY what we need before we go. (As we learned from Travis and Rachel, sometimes there are many trips required before you have everything the DMV requests).
3) From this phone call we learn that a) Tim can get his AZ license because his current license is in CA b) I cannot get my license because my current license is I have to have a CERTIFIED birth certificate-NO copies. c) Total cost to register and license the focus: $150. Total cost to register and license the mini cooper: $500 (this is particularily annoying since we just paid $2000. to the state of Iowa in JANUARY for the mini-a mere five months ago). d) We never really figured out if we have to get an emissions test done on the focus...the lady was a little bit whack and the website is like trying to read japanese.
4) Tuesday morning, 9 am: Go to get the Focus emission tested just in case. It passed. Guy acted like we were idiots for even getting it tested.
5) Go to DMV, 9:45 am. See sign that all out of state vehicles MUST BE INSPECTED FIRST. Disregard it and stand in line.
6) Line is shorter than yesterday but still out the door. Takes 10 minutes to get to front. Take a number and wait in HUGE waiting room, with about 100 other people.
7) Tim takes "out of state vehicle" to get inspected while I wait....and wait...and wait...
8) 11:15 am. NUMBER IS CALLED!!! We feel like we've just won the jackpot... After spending 45 minutes with the guy, Tim has his AZ license, the focus is licensed but the mini and I are still only legal in the midwest.
9) 12:03 p.m. After three hours we are finally done... until we realize that we will have to repeat this whole process and waste even more time when I get my license (once I have a document that 'legally proves I am a US citizen'-since my MO driver's license and social security card apparently don't) and when we have to get the mini licensed and registered...

I really hate the DMV. Really. It is even more frustrating to me than the game of golf.


rachel said...

OMG... i hate the DMV. I am not looking forward to having to go again in Oregon. Going to the DMV is one main deterant from moving all the time....

Jenn said...

I KNOW... the DMV really, really sucks. Hopefully for you guys, Oregon will be the one state where going to the DMV is not too bad.

Carol said...

Jenn, If you have some type of road service such as AAA you may be able to take care of it at their office...with much shorter lines! Good luck. How do you like that dry heat???

pablo said...

The DMV simply needs to find out if you are a terrorist. Jeeeez!