Monday, June 27, 2005

Holy hell and other choice words

Exciting news (with a little bit of Jenn being an idiot on the end). I just got offered a an awesome firm here in the sounds like it is a lot like Denman which is exactly what I have been looking for. The firm is on the opposite side of the valley than what we are on which isn't that big of a deal it just means a lengthy commute everyday.The point is, one of the partners that I interviewed with just called to extend me an offer and I feel like I sounded like the biggest idiot in the world. I got all flustered and basically WAS an idiot. Arg.

My other point is that I DO CUSS, CURSE, or SWEAR. Whatever you want to call it. Not all of the time but I have to say that when I get mad, sometimes excited, flustered, or pissed off I do manage to spew off a few choice words. I am only admiting this publically (probably much to my husband's dismay-he hates it) because I am sick of not posting something I am pissed off about because I am afraid of the JUDGEMENT AND WRATH that will come from all of these people who try to believe that I am perfect and convince themselves as such. So there, it's out of my flaws, among many. I am not perfect and I feel like using a certain word starting with "SH" to describe how I just acted on the phone. But since admiting that I cuss is a new development for some people I will save everyone from actually writing the word. Just know that I am not perfect and as soon as I finish writing this I am going to go scream a few choice words. And yes, I am not always calm for those of you who think I am always calm and composed. Sometimes a good scream and cry really makes you feel better. Thank you for your understanding of my character flaws.


pablo said...

Did Tim know this about you before or after the wedding?

Jenn said...

before...and i don't do it that much...just when i get mad or do something stupid. Just to clarify so that no one gets mad at me for my bad habits...

Carol said...

But did you take the job?