Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Moving Chronicles Part I

So we are out of Des Moines. Everything we own is in a big yellow truck and three cars. It was kind of sad to leave... I even got a little bit teary, which is a bit atypical. It WAS our first home together. And it really was tough to walk away from everyone I've spent 40+ hours a week with for the past year and a half. Unlike at Tim's job, though, no one cried when I left... thankfully. Although, I do have to say the person that cried at Tim's job is basically like our third grandmother. She is the nicest person I think I have ever met in my life... we will definately be back to see her.

Tomorrow we start what I guess could be called the second leg of our adventure. Tim is driving the truck which is towing the Focus, Tim's dad is flying out today to drive the Mazda 3 (Tim's brother's car-that is still here from the Jiffy Lube fiasco), and I will drive the Mini (with the two unhappy cats in tow). We are driving two 10 hour days- to Dalhart, Texas tomorrow and then to Flagstaff, AZ on Thursday. Then Friday will be a short 2 hour day to Phoenix.

I actually really like driving across the country... so I'm pretty excited for the trip. It has kind of been a long, difficult weekend of lasts (not really to us, but to my mom). Our last time to ever go to church with my parents, last lunch, last dinner, last time she will ever cook for us, last time to ever play cards, etc. You get the idea. I keep thinking that maybe I am just losing it and that I perhaps told her I have some sort of terminal illness or that I am moving to Japan... because I had always planned on seeing them again and soon at that.

Anyway, I know everything will work out and everyone will be ok once it is all said and done...I understand that change is a whole lot more difficult for some people than it is for me. I am so excited to move... it will be so much fun! I love exploring new cities- even Des Moines was fun to explore... So more updates in a few days once we are up and running in Phoenix... and of course, many pictures to follow.


Tim said...

Anyone driving on 70 or 35 tomorrow better watch out for a big yellow truck towing a Focus. I am not exactly an expert truck driver yet...even though I probably look like one with my new trucker hat Ryan gave me for the trip.

rachel said...

you guys will have a fun trip! i am proud of you! can't wait to see how it goes... be safe!

pablo said...

Just don't get that truck into any situation where you have to back it up. Always be able to pull through any place where you stop, and you'll be fine.

bgunner said...

are you there yet?

Jon said...

Thanks for the note! *e-hug* Work wasn't too bad today, as I actually got to do normal work stuff and I got off at 2 (I don't get my own cash drawer until friday or monday, though). And tomorrow i don't have to go in until noon! Anyway, hope you're having a safe trip as I'm typing this. I'll be sure to keep you updated on goings-on in the tumultuous world of the midwest.

pablo said...

I'm holding my breath, waiting for Part II.

pablo said...

still . . . holding . . . breath!