Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Name change

After a year of working on one of my clients here at Denman, the company that sends me their payroll information still does not know my name although I have told them countless times. Apparently, they do not believe me when I tell them I am a FEMALE and then proceed to spell out my name: J-E-N-N, or if it makes more sense, J-E-N-N-I-F-E-R. They must think that I have a manly voice (which I hope to god is not true), that I am a man with an unusually high voice, or they must just think that the name they have given me is more fitting. So, I guess that from now on (at least for my last two work days here!) when I talk to them I will just concede and say "This is JIMMY Richards."


Jon said...

Oh man...You're so lucky you don't see me all the time. I'd be calling you Jimmy for months. That's great.

rachel said...

can you still cash you paychecks?

bgunner said...

i might have used the wrong name at the wedding.