Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Post engagement photos.

After taking our engagement photos (click here if you missed the link) on Friday night and then getting SOAKED as the Washington skies decided to rain yet again (at least at a convenient time this time...shocking that it was decidedly so convenient), we decided to stay out in downtown Kirkland and to go to Thai for dinner. It wasn't like we would be BBQ-ing or anything. Seattle reverted back to oh, WINTER. Fail. But mmmm, Thai food. Win. 

A shot of Justin (with sexy rain hair), above, at dinner. Seriously, is Thai food amazing or what? I don't think I ever will get tired of it. 

In honor of a successful engagement photo shoot with what were sure to be amazing pictures (and WERE) as well as our first "official" year together, we brought out the big guns. Mr Knob Creek. Oh hello, good old friend, it's been a while.

An attempt at a shady iphone shot of the two of us (hi, there's my rain hair!) with our buddy Knob. He's a good old pal. Nice and smooth and makes us oh so warm. 

Cheers to us! So happy.

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