Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A brilliant idea.

Today I decided that I didn't want to be at work past noon.

It was 80 degrees, sunny. It was the day after a holiday. Work just didn't sound like fun.

Plus, we were taking Oliver to Seattle around 2pm so that he could ride the bus home. I wanted to be there, too, to say goodbye.

When I left work (before noon), I decided I wanted to work out. But what? Nothing sounded fun. I think I was having issues. Called: being whiny.

So, my boyfriend proposes an idea: "Why don't you run home?"

He thought he was being cute. It's 8 miles. In the sun. Could be hot. Could be FUN.

I'm in.

I did it.

It was fun.

What was a whiny, unsettled morning became a perfect day. Just like that. Perfect workout in the sun. Perfect boyfriend who thinks of these great ideas even if he was just joking. This is why I love running (and my boyfriend).

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