Friday, April 30, 2010

More catch up.....

Catching up to more March posts that didn't happen 2 weeks ago. Stay tuned and see below for backdated March posts.

Update: I suck. It's now May and I am JUST now ATTEMPTING to get caught up. I'll keep a tally here of the new ones that go up and the respective links and I'll get caught up eventually.

March 12, 2010: The Glorious Cities of Western Washington

March 21, 2010: The Adventures of Miss Bella: March 2010

March 22, 2010: Tofu surprise

March 25, 2010: The busy season week from hell

March 28, 2010: Late March walk

April 4, 2010: Bella April 2010

April 10, 2010: Puking the guts out...

April 16, 2010: The official end of busy season...

April 23, 2010: Dogs and dogs

April 26, 2010: Kansas City quick trip: April 23-26, 2010

April 27, 2010: The experiment into determining if I have a green thumb.

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