Saturday, February 20, 2010

Update on the achilles

There have been various updates throughout the past EIGHT MONTHS on the state of my stupid achilles. It just won't GO AWAY. And if you remember here, I talked about what I've tried to make it better and HERE was the best: the day I got frostbite from one of those treatments (physical therapy). Also in that post I talked about Topricin, a homeopathic cream that I have been using to help the achilles heal. Well guess what?! A few days after that post, I got contacted by the nice people of Topricin who saw that post and wanted to send me some samples of some more of their products as well as a cream that is targeted specifically for foot injuries (appropriately called foot cream).

Above is the stash of stuff sent to me by Topricin... it was AWESOME. I have waited to post about this because a) I've been busy and b) I wanted to try out the foot cream for a while to give it a reasonable review. I really like it... it's much better, at least for my specific injury, than the original cream though I would still use the original cream if I had other non-foot related injuries. I feel like it has really helped my achilles so that's awesome. It's still not totally healed but it is MUCH, MUCH better (and the burn is better too, although I've been peeling now for a month- not kidding, it's totally gross).

No, the nice people at Topricin didn't tell me to write this... I just REALLY like their product and know that there are other people out there who have sports injuries. I would HIGHLY recommend this as a treatment... as well as the other stuff you have to do too (rest, ice, etc, depending on the injury).

I'm going to keep using it and hopefully that combined with therapy, rest, ice, and everything else, my achilles will be better- finally. The goal is that by summer it will be 100% so I can do all of the fun things I want to do.

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