Monday, September 5, 2005

Phase 1 in the building process

Here are a few pictures of our new neighborhood...nothing is there yet but in the next few months, that will really change. We are both really excited about the park that is close to our will be really nice! Speaking of neighborhoods, in more exciting news, I get to fly home to see my parents this weekend! I can't wait...even if they are too busy to hang out with me! Tim will be in Tennesee for business from Sunday-Tuesday so it will work out perfect...and I just bought my ticket tonight (5 days before!) and it was only $200!! Must be fate... I was more than slightly apprehensive about staying home alone all by myself...I don't have a problem during the day...I just get petrified at night. So this will work out AWESOME! I'm so excited. I hope my parents are excited to see me and that we have time together. They just bought a new house so they are kind of busy renovating it. My mom told me they had to work on it pretty much all weekend this hopefully I won't be in the way. Oh well, I'm excited regardless. Enjoy the pics.

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