Monday, June 10, 2019

Day 3: June 9, 2019

We made it over the hump! I would say on the baselines we have generated so far today was an "eh" or an "OK" day...not good. Not awful. It felt like Oliver was mildly more uncomfortable/antsy/feeling nauseated, but, he was still able to sleep through most of the day and didn't puke. So, not a bad day, not a stellar day. But then again... 8 hours of chemo, and that kind of sounds about right.

On day 2, we had a bit of a WOAH moment that I forgot to mention in yesterday's post (mind is a bit mush... another topic for another post)- OG's heartbeat was about 125 beats per minute resting which was a little alarming and it was something we didn't realize we were supposed to monitor/check, etc, and he said he felt fine (blood pressure was fine, also, so no one seemed really all that concerned). He was able to download an app on his phone (of course there's an app for that), to where he can track it himself and it had been regular, but at the check it was back down to within normal ranges also.

Other than that, day 3 was not a bad sunday in general. Although the terms are not ideal, it is great to be with all of the family so much.


Off the crew goes... (little boys and I stayed behind to get them situated and joined later). Because it was sunday, Justin could drive the truck and park on the street. Seattle parking...ick. We are trying to see if we can get some of his days "in" moved to the Issaquah location (for those not around here- much closer to our house and would alleviate the annoying Seattle parking/traffic scenario every day down there). We'll see if that plays out, but sure would be nice to only have to go over to Seattle to meet with the doctor vs every day.

When the boys and I got there, Oliver was snoozing. He gets one of the initial drugs, and out he goes. He did wake up to say hi, and I think we would all rather he be comfortable enough to sleep versus unable to.

Little boys settling in for the day! We have to keep them moving (lots of walks, they go to visit the cafeteria for water/juice/cheese about every 2.5 minutes, etc), but for an almost 5 and 7 year old with BOUNDS of energy- they lasted about 5 hours yesterday and were generally pretty good.

Casey was our nurse again yesterday- we like Casey! Changing out to hydration at this point. Pretty cute as we are "regulars", some of the nurses (including Casey) already know how Oliver likes things- IE: right after this pic, she handed him his IV line in the way he likes to hold it "I know you like it this way." Side note: nurses, all of you, you are amazing. Seriously. The care and compassion and noticing the little details- truly awesome.

Trying to get that water in with super star mom convincing him to shoot the rest of the bottle. He kept saying at around this point yesterday that he just felt more antsy and restless than he has before. Sadly, it's probably going to feel worse in the coming days as the meds start to build up in his body.

Several visitors yesterday!

The boys have had a fun time exploring Seattle, and again, while circumstances are not ideal, it is one positive. We don't get down to Seattle much so it's been fun to expose them more to the city that they live so close to. They can't believe they haven't been here before (they have...they just don't remember, and/or have only seen certain parts- like Pike Place). Big brother Bailey and Angel took them to the central district so that mom/Justin and I could talk about the upcoming weeks and schedule and a plan of attack/care of Oliver.

Owen wanted me to take a picture of his tattoo on his face (that is still there after SEVERAL days- I swear, the kid does shower. I mean we have to practically force him to, but he does do it). He wanted to make sure Oliver would see it when he woke up because it is special. So there ya go, kiddo!

Still sleeping the afternoon away but with super sweet healing bear, as a present from his aunt and uncle. Love it.

We left shortly after as the kids were falling apart. They love to see everyone and keep asking about Oliver as well, so it is good that we can get them there. On the way home: NAPS AGAIN! What is going on?!

Meanwhile back at the hospital-he's awake!

We headed to Owen's last football game of the season- super seahawks had a great season this year!

And with that, that's a wrap. TWO MORE DAYS of this 5 day cycle! TWO! We heard from mom (Colleen) that last night Oliver felt pretty yucky, worse than he's felt. Hoping not, but possible that it could get worse as we move in to day 4 and 5 as they continue to up the dosage and also add back  in another one of the chemo medications.

As I was at football last night, I was pondering all of this and it is sometimes so surreal to still be at any type of "normal" stuff. I eluded to this yesterday at the grad party. But even just working, or doing things with the kids that are "normal," it just feels weird. I feel a bit anti-social, maybe a little bit depressed in some ways (not seriously, but just trying to describe it here). You just feel a little bit of a disconnect of like, wait. This is "normal" but it's screwing with my head, because nothing is really NORMAL right now. You kind of live it- work, give a little cheer at a game, chase your kids around laughing and then...BAM. Reality hits and you're like, wow, ok.... Nothing is normal right now. And in a lot of ways, it's hard to be in those situations: at work, at games, with kids, whatever the "normal" stuff in life is... because you know the weight of everything else, and it's always there in the back of your mind. I'm probably not doing this description justice, and I know it's all totally normal as we all deal with this and march through it. But, it's just a bizarre feeling- unlike anything I have experienced before.  

With that... day 4, let's do this thing!

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