Thursday, October 6, 2005

Kitten I rescued. I love it so much. I so want to adopt her. She has beautiful blue eyes. Everyone tell Tim that I must have her!


travis said...

If I were Tim, I wouldn't be worried about the 5 pounds per year, but I would be worried about the 1.5 cats per year.

rachel said...

I like reading your blog... You have to keep posting for us, at least! Sounds like you two had a fabulous anniversary!

quakewatcher said...

The kitten is adorable, and since you will soon be getting more than 50 percent more space in your home you will need an increase in cats of 50 percent! And think of the practical will be much easier to keep the mice away too!
Your weekend sounds like a lot of fun, congrats on a great first year. ~ C

P1 said...

I visit your blog all the time and enjoy reading about your active and interesting lives. As for the cat, if I were Tim, I'd object too.

Chels182 said...

Your pictures are awesome!! That looks like a great trip. Happy LATE anniversary!