Monday, October 17, 2005

Weekend Update

We spent this past weekend in Orange County with Tim's family. We went to see a big cross country race that Aaron (Tim's brother) was running in. It was a lot of fun running all over the park to see him at various points in the race and he did really well, too! He got his best time ever: 17 minutes 15 seconds. He was fast! I wish I could run that well... On Saturday night it was really too cold to do anything so we just put on sweaters, hung around, and ate chili. And no, you cannot laugh. 65 degrees out is FREEZING to us now. It honestly felt like a December day in the midwest...weak, I know. Kind of funny though how you get acclimated to a certain climate so quickly. Anyway, being that it was cold, we stayed in. Beth and I were sent out to rent a movie for all of us to watch. Since Tim, Mark, and Aaron have been extremely depressed since the Yankees lost to the Angels in the playoffs, we thought we'd cheer them up by renting "Fever Pitch," (the movie about a huge fan of the Boston Red Sox, aka the Yankees biggest rival). I think they felt better after watching it.

The weather really was cold, gloomy, and rainy in southern cal but it was awesome because it felt so much like fall. We actually hit a few pretty bit thunderstorms on the way back to Phoenix and today here it has been really cloudy and overcast with sporadic rumbles of thunder, wind and rain. It's kind of a neat change from the constant sunshine, though... it really feels like fall and I love fall! October is by far my favorite month of the year. I was a little worried that I would miss fall but I haven't...October is still my favorite month even in Phoenix!

1 comment:

Derek Jeter said...

Fever Pitch was a painful movie to watch!!!! It brought back some very bad memories. Its probably a good thing someone made a movie about the Red Sox winning the world series because we are only 1 year into what is sure to be another long drought. This movie will give them something to hold onto for the next 100 years as they watch the Yankees win another 25 titles.