But April 15 is the date that we all take a deep breath, look around and realize, holy shit- a new SEASON (SPRING!) arrived while we were buried under papers in our offices and client offices from 6am-10pm, 6-7 days a week for 3 months. And it's almost warm. And there are flowers. And green trees. And holy freaking hell, I finally get to join the world of the living again! It's almost like being reborn. Maybe THAT'S why we all do this- because every year on April 15, we re-discover the beauty of the world again and we genuinely appreciate our "low key" jobs that exist for 9 months out of the year as well as our free time/spouses/homes, etc. So on that date of rediscovering ourselves and the world around us, we then all party with the tax guys who do have firm deadlines on April 15 and we wrap up our busy season for the next month working much leaner hours and no weekends. It makes all the difference in the world.
And NO. I do not want to get any emails about how I just said we lose our identity and "but, I'm an accountant, I still have free time, I don't lose myself." DIDN'T SAY THAT. Truthfully, this busy season can be very invigorating at times and very exhausting at others. It's just like any other job in that respect. I can't REALLY complain. I can't. I have a pretty great life 9 months out of the year and mostly everyone I know works as hard, if not harder, than I do. My hard work is just really, really confined to about 3 months out of the year, which all of us in this profession bitch profusely about. It truly does suck working so long and so hard but after 3 months, it's over. But something about this crazy schedule works for those of us that have stayed in it, which is why we continue to do it year after year. HOWEVER I reserve the right to bitch from January-April.
So anyway, this madness that us crazy accountants call busy season has started... at least for those of us in audit/assurance/consulting. Tax is still ramping up. I am ready to go this year. I pre-bought all of my makeup and all necessities that I could possibly need in the next 3 months so that I don't have to worry about it. We accountants are planners like that. I've been out at clients since the first week of January and my calendar? Well, it looks like a kindergartener scribbled all over a coloring book without any rhyme or reason and with a million different colors. Complete madness, I tell you. But, we'll get through it, we always do and I promise I'll try to keep up with the posting. What I can't promise is how interesting the posts will be.... This time of year my life revolves around work, eating, minimal sleep, attempting to keep working out, and wine. Yes, wine. You cannot survive busy season without wine. Most accountants this time of year are alcoholics about one night a week. Just saying.
Below are some early and pre-busy season activities that I haven't had a chance to post about yet. Enjoy!
The weekend after one of my first projects got underway and prior to my first out of town trip, at a favorite Thai restaurant. So delicious!
And of course, what Thai dinner is complete without a Thai beer?
Shortly after that night, I went on my first long distance client of the season. They are located in Gray's Harbor/Aberdeen, Washington which is right on the coast. Above is a picture entering Aberdeen... beautiful weather that week, eh? It was SO rainy... my poor little car was filthy by the end of the week and I had JUST washed it. Bummer. I opted to drive to/from Aberdeen every night that week (as did my co-worker) because it was worth it to us to be home. It made for some long days- IE: getting up at 4am, getting home at 9pm. YUCK. It was great though because the way the scheduling worked out, I got to take another manager with me on this project. Generally managers don't work together but we got to this time- so fun to work with a peer!
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