Friday, January 8, 2010

My take on milk (and as a bonus: awesome new blog find!)


Last night after working at a client, I went to whole foods to get the staples: veggies/fruit, peanut butter, jam, cereal, milk, tea. It was pretty convenient since the client is right next door to whole foods and since I've been getting up at 4am all week and into the office by 5:30-6, I was NOT going to the gym... I went to the gym Monday (1.5 hrs strength training), Tuesday (1 hr cardio), AND Wednesday (2hrs strength training/cardio). Awesome.

But, last night? Night off from. I'm going back to the gym today anyway for more strength training and "running" (aka: stupid elliptical) tomorrow (if I can avoid urgent care again unlike last Saturday....) Just so everyone knows, this isn't a new routine. I just really haven't posted my workout regimen before but I've been asked about it, so there it is for all of you curious people out there. Some days I just dance around my house for cardio. Trust me, it's a great workout...and anyone who is around (even animals) look at you like you're crazy. Total riot. Other days when I don't have a broken achilles, I hike, walk, run, swim (in summer) etc. I just get bored easily and feel AWESOME when I'm active, SO, I stay active. Simple enough. There is not a day that goes by when I don't do something- even if it's just walking around the dog park or cleaning the house (not my FAVORITE "active" thing, by the way but cleaning is definitely a necessity for us all, eh?)


Whole foods last night. I was feeling very ambitious about trying new things. I have been drinking organic skim (cow's) milk. And by drinking I mean occasionally using it to cook and on cereal in the mornings. I KNOW. I can't believe I use bovine milk either. I don't have a problem with soy, (I get soy lattes), I've been SO wanting to try almond milk or hemp milk (hemp isn't really widely available yet that I've seen) but I just haven't made the conversion to using an alternative to cow's milk every day...I guess just because I use so little of it anyway and I figure that organic skim milk isn't THAT bad even though it still does have hormones, lactose, all of that crap.

So last night, I decided, that's it. The end. I'm sick of cow milk. Gross. So I bought 3 milks: organic soy, almond, and cow (just in case I really hated one of the 2 alternatives). Last night I tried soy. I was a little up in the air on soy because it has been shown to have some harmful affects even with its benefits. It was OOOK (with some hesitation)...(but this morning I admitted to myself that it made me want to puke). But I don't know WHY it was so repulsive to me. I love tofu, edamame, and generally like all things soy. And like I said, soy lattes? Yum! But soy milk in it's cold, raw form on cereal? BARF. BY THE WAY! I have never posted about my FAVORITE cereal. I need to add that to the posting list.

Anyway, after that sort of failed attempt at getting off the cow, I resorted to almond milk. But, outcome is to be determined because I actually haven't tried it yet (will try it this weekend or I might tonight). I am SUPER optimistic and excited for it though. I have read such great things about it and last night I was doing more research on it, the health benefits, etc, etc AND! in the process I stumbled on the coolest new blog (that also gave me a recipe to make my OWN almond milk and called almond milk "drinking 100% health." Um, yes, please!) So, here's the new blog address (also linked to the right) that I stumbled on. For all of you people out there into health/nutrition, specifically organic health/nutrition, it will be right up your alley.

And I'll fill everyone in on the almond milk experience once I know. I have high hopes.

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