Thursday, January 7, 2010

Further evidence of the idiocy of urgent care

So I get a call earlier today from the urgent care mentioned a few posts ago. By the way, in case anyone missed it or needs a reminder: I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE URGENT CARE.

Did I mention HATE?

Urgent care in itself is one GIANT symbol of all that is wrong with western medicine. And I will not bore everyone with that theory but there it is in all of its glory. I really HATE urgent care and most of the time, western medicine although it did save my ass from the infection of the year. Thanks, western medicine. I'll visit you again someday but hopefully NOT SOON. (And as an aside, I do ADMIRE western medicine and think that it is a phenomenal TOOL and I do highly respect all of the advancements that western medicine has for extending/improving people's lives that are ill-and have a deep respect for all of the medical professionals that work in western medicine...(deep breath) BUT.... I just think there is a lot of abuse of the system and it isn't used in a way that would really "heal" people. Again, won't bore everyone right now with that theory either).

As another aside, after said urgent care experience, I promptly found a ND on monday of this week. ND meaning naturopathic doctor. I am SO excited for it. She will be my primary care physician and is a certified physician in Washington state. And has been extensively trained in women's/pediatric care and midwifery. And, if I were to get infections like said ear, I could get antibiotics from her. AND, AND! They are SO NICE. The gal I talked to wanted to find the "right fit" for me for a doctor and said that the whole practice is just like a big family. I meet her in a week or so. Such a great vibe...and ALMOST made me forget about my stupid western medicine experience a few days ago at urgent care. Until they called today.

(How's that for a transition after a few paragraphs of tangents!?)

Oops, but one more tangent. I have to give some brief history. I just need to say first say how much I hate health insurance in addition (or complementing, possibly) my hate of urgent care/western medicine. Anyone who says that the healthcare in the US doesn't need reform is smoking crack. And not any sort of crack that makes me look at someone and say, "Hey, you might be onto something, that looks fun, let me try!" Nope, we're talking bad, bad, hair falling out, teeth shattering, hysteria inducing crack here. Whether you are conservative, liberal, or just trying to figure out WHAT you are in the political respect, healthcare needs reform, it's just a matter of trying to decide HOW and what's best. (And I know this from personal experience just as much as I hear how horrible it is from Tim who experiences the abuse of the system every day that he works...)

So. Health insurance. My name is still under my prior name. I have been arguing with them on this FOR OVER A YEAR and they won't change it. Not the main reason why I dislike them so much (mostly that's because they rape us in costs/premiums as much as possible and we have a pretty damn GOOD plan). The name thing is just another added annoyance...because everything ELSE is changed. EVERYTHING. And has been for over a year.

So the phone call goes something like this (I call them back after they left me a message):

Me: Hi, I'm trying to reach a nurse who called me earlier.
Receptionist: What's your name?
Me: [I give them my married name]
Receptionist: Ok, I'll transfer you.

Nurse: Hi, is this Jennifer?
Me: Yes
Nurse: What's your last name?
Me: [Married name] but it could be under [prior name]
Nurse: Well I don't see any call back records for you.
Me: Ok, well you guys called me?
Nurse (AFTER TEN MINUTES OF LOOKING!!!): Nope, nothing
Me: Well, I was just in there Saturday and it probably relates to my infection.
Nurse (AFTER ANOTHER 10 F-ING MINUTES!!! Now I know why urgent care is so inefficient!!): Oh, could it be under [prior name]?
Me: I TOLD YOU THAT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE CONVERSATION [wanting to add dumbass! to this remark...]
Nurse: Oh, well we just wanted to call to tell you that you DO have an infection but the antibiotics you are on are effective to treat it so just keep taking them.
Me: Um???

....And end of conversation.

Does anyone else see why this is so RIDICULOUS?! Ten seconds to solve the idiocy of this whole phone call.

HELLO! This was an unbelievably STUPID waste of time because:

1) I already KNEW I had an infection and so did the doctor who saw me Saturday who GAVE me antibiotics for said infection
2) As mentioned, I am already ON antibiotics for this infection that is ALREADY treating the infection (FOR FOUR DAYS NOW!!)
3) Obviously, I am continuing to take these SAME antibiotics to CONTINUE to treat the SAME DAMN infection.

WTF? Did the nurse just repeatedly hit her head and forget how to be intelligent? Or perhaps urgent care is required to have so many stupid instances a month to be qualified as an official "urgent care." So to meet that quota, they have to call people to tell them, "Oh, just so you don't forget: you have an infection." or, "Just so you don't forget: you have a COLD." Ugh, idiots!

Whatever the reason, someone please tell me WHAT IN THE HELL was the point of that redundant and stupid phone call that wasted 20 minutes of my time?!

Oh, I know: the point of it all was so that I could waste another 15 minutes posting about how much I hate urgent care. Got it, confirmed.

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