As I've mentioned before as well, I spent quite a bit of time in the sun as a teenager. This could be part of my problem but STILL. I think this is ludicrous. Even if I was showing signs of sun damage, how does it have any right to just pop up on me like this? It should be GRADUAL... and the full effects shouldn't show until I'm 40. This is stupid. And it gets worse everyday because they are the wrinkles formed by my "thinking" face... or "squinting" face... so every day at the end of the day, the crater grows just a little bit more. Totally lame.
I finally took matters into my own hands. I had my yearly skin check and asked my dermatologist about these wrinkles and about laser hair removal (a different story entirely). I am referred to their in-house person in charge of these areas so I make another appointment with her.
I go to the appointment and this lady is a total nut job. She proceeded to compare my face to a laundry mat, a factory, and a car. And as she is describing how in the world my face possibly relates to these things (still don't understand her analogies), she has her eyes closed and hands lifted almost as if I'm listening to the word of god or something. It was almost as if she was speaking in tongues. Maybe she was. Who knows. And the analogies she made about the laser hair removal! And the pat on the ass I got on the way in along with the comment, "You're so small and cute, I don't know how people manage to just not eat you up!" I spent the whole time trying not to just lose it and crack up. The amount of self control I exhibited will make me proud for a very long time.
Once I got past her little quirks, I realized she did have some valid pointers. Laser hair treatment= expensive but definitely worth it. I got sold on that. The craters= she told me I qualified for botox (ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? I'm still only 27!!) I am not saying I'm totally against botox, I just think I might screw myself if I start that at 27 so no thanks. And I'm not totally sold yet on the injection of poison in my face. Since I wasn't completely buying that, she gave me little vials of acne treatment to spread over my wrinkles. Huh? Seriously? She said that the area would look like total shit for 2-3 weeks at first (red, cracking, peeling) but then, it would just be glowing and the wrinkles would be much less prominent.
I started using the stuff a couple of weeks ago and holy crap. She was totally right. I still think she is psycho in saying that I need botox or that my face is a laundry mat but OMG but wrinkles are literally vanishing before my eyes. And this stuff is basically like concentrated vitamin A so it's making that skin look amazing. Of course the process of red, cracking, peeling skin is not so awesome but it's getting rid of the grand canyon that was on my face so I'm happy as a clam. I'm actually considering using the stuff all over my face just because it's made that little area of skin look so much healthier.
Below is a picture pre-wrinkle, vitamin A cream (click on it to see the grand canyon on my face up close and personal). I haven't taken a "post" picture yet but hopefully I will soon so that there is a good before and after comparison. I apologize for the vain-ness of this post but I dare any one NOT to be vain when they have craters in the middle of their face!
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