Tuesday, December 20, 2005

As it usually happens

Every year I get all excited about sending out Christmas/Holiday cards. In the past I've always told myself that I am going to be ambitious and make my cards but I've since learned that that really never happens. So instead I go out and buy a TON of ridiculously expensive holiday cards that I only sort of like. I think I could totally make cuter ones...not as cute as Rachel's snowflake cards but still at least cute and not as generic.

No exception this year. I went out to Hallmark a few weeks ago and bought about 50 cards. I even printed off our wedding guest list for names and addresses of people I wanted to send them to. And I even individually emailed some people for their address.

I was going to make a Christmas letter to update everyone on Tim and my life. But that idea quickly got scrapped about 2 weeks ago when I realized that Christmas was only 2 weeks away and my Christmas card amibitions were slowly slipping away. So, I started writing individual messages on the cards. I got about 20 finished about a week ago. Then I totally lost all motivation. They have all been sitting in a bag in my car, which was moved to my kitchen table, which is now in the coat closet. At this point I think I am just going to scrap the idea altogether. It is almost Christmas and I really don't feel like sending them out this late in the game.

Maybe next year everyone will get Christmas cards from us. But I'm thinking that if that's going to happen I should possibly start the process a good six months before I need to send them out. For now, I will just add this years Christmas cards to the gigantic box I have of past year's Christmas cards that never made it to the mailbox.

1 comment:

rachel said...

that is exactly my style, too. the first christmas after we were married i made these crazy complicated cards and i think i may have sent three of them. i probably have one still sitting around with your name on it. this year i made that newsletter for my class. i had them printed in black and white (boring) and mailed out about 25 today. i didn't have the heart to write personal messages in them.