Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Owen's first date.

On the last Friday in September, my girlfriend Jen came over with her daughter Olivia who is almost exactly 2 weeks older than Owen for their first date (they'd met before but that was just to get to know each other). Our husbands had their brown liquor night (read: drinking and debauchery) that they have every month so us girls usually try to get together to chat... now that we are not pregnant we can start incorporating our own little wine and baby nights while the boys are out! Jen was a little late because she said Olivia had a meltdown and I was, all, AWESOME because Owen will definitely have a meltdown in the time period that you are here (his witching hour is about 7pm-9pm every.single.night). Well, Olivia apparently got her meltdown out of the way and was trying to impress her suitor but Owen did not get the memo and showed Olivia one of his traits: MASSIVE LUNGS. Oh well, next time little guy... hopefully she's not too frightened of you! Some pictures of their date:

Just hanging out getting to know each other... Olivia looks a little scared (perhaps from the screams?)

Owen decides to make his move and hold her hand! She looks even more scared! (sorry for the picture- I can't get it to flip)

She pulls away! Too soon for hand holding...don't you know how to treat a lady?! He screams even louder....

...and pushes her away. FINE if you won't hold my hand, I am going to just YELL.

And to that she punched him. Her daddy would be proud. No hand holding on first dates, and certainly no whining about it.