Wednesday, June 1, 2011

National running day

Today is national running day!

In honor of this day and all runners out there, I decided to go on a run. This was a bit of a complicated decision seeing as how I could barely WALK on Monday after the first hike of the season (see here) and just BARELY squeezed in a 2 mile run yesterday. But, today, I sucked it up, told the old legs to screw off and decided to run. (ok, hold your horses and stop throwing things, I KNOW it is this attitude that gets me injured- BUT I've been injury free for 3 months... that counts for something, right?!) And somehow, at the end? I managed to do 5.5miles averaging at a 9:30 pace. Pretty good for sore legs, I'd say. And I got to contribute to this day of running, the sport that has grown to mean so much to me in our endless love/hate relationship (only hate when it doesn't cooperate and makes me injured...)

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