Monday, June 20, 2011

A father's day.

Yesterday, after an 8 mile (miserable) hike due to the fact that the weather was nasty and my legs were sore (aka: they hurt like hell and I was being stubborn about it and dead set on completing the hike) we took the boys and headed to Justin's brother's house for a father's day BBQ where Justin and I played paper, rock, scissors for who would get to hold this cutie:

He obviously won. At least for a while. It WAS his day after all since he is the father of the two of us. But then her adorableness ruled and I had to steal her and cuddle her myself. Is she not the cutest baby you have ever seen?

Speaking of father's day. I am a HORRIBLE daughter. In the chaos of getting to Jordan's house then taking Bailey to Justin's mom's house, coming home, realizing that the next week of work was going to be a cluster in all ways imaginable, I totally forgot to call my dad. Completely spaced. I pride myself on always remembering birthdays and "special" days and I totally forgot. I texted my brother and said, "I completely forgot to call dad!" And he texted back, "Well, that's better than me. I actually SAW him and totally forgot to say anything." Which made me feel slightly better. Until my mom called and said, "So what did you do Sunday?" Whoops. Anyway, I think my dad knows how much I love him everyday and that he is the best father. And I'm pretty sure I won't forget next year. It's what we like to call an isolated incidence.

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