Thursday, November 29, 2007

Busier and busier...

This week started off with my three hour flight back to Seattle after almost a week in Kansas City for Thanksgiving. My week in Kansas City was splendid (I actually don't think I've ever used that word before... but it's fitting, nonetheless). I was happy to be home and to see my parents, brother, and family who were in from other parts of the country. I also got to see a few old friends, too, which is always a huge bonus.

It was the first trip in a long time where I didn't feel like I was rushed and was in and out of there, seemingly without blinking. We ate and ate and ate... and then ate some more. We did the same in terms of shopping. I'm having trouble getting started on my Christmas shopping because I am tired of shopping after last week. I never thought I'd say that. Like ever.

I was also able to go out with my brother and his friends to Westport in KC- a place that I haven't been on a Saturday night in oh, um, years? We had a tasty dinner at the Jerusalem cafe (an old fave) and then spent the rest of the night hanging at Harry's. I do have to say that I am surprised that people can smoke in bars in KC. I guess I'm just spoiled by the northwest. It was a good time though and so fun to hang with such cool people for a night.

I restricted myself from taking my computer to Kansas City so that I would be completely free from studying or working. If my computer was there, I just would have felt guilty but I didn't WANT to study or work so this was a much better alternative. I'm glad that I took several days away from working/studying because on Monday I hit the ground running at work. I was at a client all week and then in the office at night a couple of nights this week. Apparently busy season here starts, um, November 26?! For the next three weeks, I'm busy out at clients doing year end planning/interim work. One of the weeks involves a trip to Alaska for one of our clients. It's actually the same exact week I was up there last year which is weird. But I'm glad to be going back... it's beautiful up there.

When I get back from that late on a Friday night, I turn right around and head off to Tahoe for a long weekend with Tim the next day (which is subsequently both his birthday and the day that I met him a year ago). We are taking the short trip to have a few days off together to a)celebrate birthdays/anniversaries b) spend time quality time together which we don't seem to get much of anymore with the craziness of both of our lives and c)relax for one last time before I lose my life officially in January. Literally. I do not exaggerate. I am not taking any time off for Christmas basically because I can't.

And then, somehow it's 2008. How did that happen? It's so cliche but I swear to god, I don't know how every year goes by so much faster.

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