Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Daily double trouble: August 7, 2019

It felt weird not to get up and write this morning. What is that saying? 30 days to make a habit or something? Well I had 60 and it definitely became a habit. I used to be much better about keeping this blog updated when the kids were smaller and maybe just a tiny bit more cute. No promises on if I'll stick to it this time, but I'll give it a whirl. It's fun for me to write and to have a tangible tracking of what the heck we did on any given day. Parenthood... well... it just sucks the life out of you sometimes, or at least the brain cells. Ask me in a day what we did last week? NO CLUE. And then there's the beauty of documenting it: THEN I KNOW.

Things have been... strange here. Colleen moved back home today. Oliver may follow shortly (back to his girlfriends). We are still kind of "on edge" and waiting to see if there is a 4th round or not, but in the meantime, it's sort of back to life as per usual. Like in a day we went from chemo and freaky fevers and hospitals.... now back to.... normal? As Owen would say....what the? I think I made the comment that it's like stepping out of the twilight zone and wondering what the hell just happened. ALL IN A MATTER OF A DAY. We were there and now we are here. And we were there June 7 and now it's August 7. And WHAT? I think we are going to have to process the hell out of all of this.

Luckily, the kids keep us mildly entertained so that our heads don't spin and blow off too readily: