It all started out innocently enough. The kids took wimpy naps on the way to the airport-- about 45 minutes each. And I'll also preface this by saying, they basically slept like crap all week. They were up at 5am and 6am Seattle time and in bed at "normal" Seattle time (like 9pm). So basically sleeping 1-2 hours less at night than normal. They had colds, or allergies or something, which may have had something to do with it. BUT. They were tired. And tired kids = CRABBY kids. Crabby kids on a plane = SHOOT ME.
Everything was fine at first.
But by about the halfway mark at 2 hours, things started to go downhill. Owen actually fell asleep which was great, but Bennett REFUSED to sleep, no matter what we tried. At this point, I am looking at my watch every 1.5 seconds. We tried pictures, we tried phones, we tried food. He wasn't TOO bad at this point, just antsy...and tired. But wouldn't sleep. Bah. He kept going back and forth between Justin and I.
At an hour to go before landing, things basically took a sky dive. Bennett decided it might be fun to start screaming. And not just any screaming. The shrill kind of scream that elicits glares from 50 rows ahead of you. I was murdered 500 times just by people looking at me in the course of that hour. And it wasn't even "I'm pissed" screams. Or maybe it was, but it was more "HA, this is a great use of time, how fun is THIS. THIS is FUNNY." YEAH.
So while Justin has his hand over Bennett's mouth trying to muffle him, we are also trying not to laugh. I mean, it IS kind of funny how quickly we are becoming just one giant shit show. All it would take is another screaming kid to complete the effect. OH WAIT.
About 40 minutes before landing, mom had the brilliant MOM FAIL idea to wake Owen up. I thought that since it was actually about 7 pm Seattle time, we should wake him so that he wouldn't go to bed at 11pm... yeah. Anyone want to guess how that went? This, my kid, who gets beyond mad every day when he is woken up from naps by anyone but himself.
So then we have one kid STILL screaming because he thinks it is fun, the other screaming because he hates life...and at that point I did contemplate that instead of getting murdered by glares, I might want to just off myself. We tried everything... bribed them, held them, threatened them, muffled them.... yeah. Anyone who has been in that situation, I don't care if you are basically the top parents of all time, you are SCREWED. There's nothing you can do.
Pretty sure there were claps when we landed. Not positive as I had lost my hearing by that point.
As we were walking down the runway after we got off the plane Owen says, "that was a fun flight, mom, when can we go on an airplane again?"
I KID YOU NOT. Ties for the worst flight ever.
But, the good news is: we made it home, and that night both kids slept 12 straight hours. It is good to be home.
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