Thursday, June 19, 2014

Pregnancy Round 2: Week 28

Week 28. WOAH. I swear we are in hyper-go mode now. Racing to the finish line.

Week 28 side view.

Week 28 front view.

Week 27 side view.

Week 27 front view.

How I'm feeling?
Feeling a lot better this week than last. Feeling the first tri sickness and complete tiredness was WAY BETTER this week. Thank goodness. It helped that we had a few other things on our plate this week so maybe I was too preoccupied to notice, but hey, I'll take it. Really nothing too notable here other than the fact that we are still just creeping (galloping) along to the finish line. 

How I'm changing?
Bigger and bigger and bigger! We took another quick trip across the mountains again (this week for a funeral) and again, I was cursing the car. It's just not too comfortable. I had forgotten how uncomfortable it gets as your stomach grows and I forgot how warmer weather = swollen EVERYTHING. At one point I realized that my wedding ring was not going to come off in the slightest, and my feet definitely had cankles. I am glad I blocked this out from last time, but wish it would not have returned at all. 

Still working out as much as possible which between life, jobs, other stuff, and kiddo plus husband is the equivalent of about 2-4 times a week. I'm really trying to make a concerted effort to at least get some walks in, if nothing else. 

What I'm eating?
Absolutely no more quinoa. Makes me want to throw up just thinking about it. I guess perhaps I OD'd on it. Still loving potato chips, though. Also: oreos. New obsession. Costco has gluten free oreos that I am LOVING. Trying to not overdo it for obvious reasons but I have a couple a night. Delicious! 

Weight I'm gaining?
This week I was 142 pounds, which is one down from last week. I was 140 this time last time with Owen, so I'm pretty happy with the weight gain this time.   

How I'm sleeping?
Again, doing great in this department. Up once a night to pee and otherwise sleeping pretty good. And (knock on wood), Owen is still sleeping too. 

What's the baby doing?
-The baby is 14.8 inches, or the size of a a chinese cabbage and about 2.25 pounds (um, what is a chinese cabbage?? And also, can I just say, I have NO idea how in 12 weeks, he/she is going to gain probably 6ish more pounds and how is it possible that THAT much more is going to fit in there??!)
-Again, the baby just continues to grow- the lungs and immune system are continuing to develop for life outside the womb.
-The baby's brain is developing more tissue and has probably developed a more regular sleep schedule
-Your baby is still blinking his eyes, which now sport lashes and can see light through the womb (I can vouch for this...if we are in the sun, I get kicked more)

What we are doing to prepare for the baby?
Well, last pregnancy at week 28 we were in a baby class, doing the nursery and I had packed the bag to take to the midwives.HA! My how things change... THIS time I am thinking that I need to really start thinking about this, particularly the packing of the bag (since clearly we are not doing a baby class). It's hard for me to really care about the bag, though, because we had such a great bag packed last time and used NOTHING out of it as we left 4 hours after we delivered Owen and were only there for 6 hours total. 

I DID order newborn diapers, so that is something! 

We also went to the midwives and had the glucose test done. Unfortunately, it came back on the high side (boo). Owen's was fine so I have no idea why this one was high. Could be the timing, could be that I'm not working out as much this pregnancy as last. But my weight is really relatively consistent and I'm really not eating bad. If two oreos a night puts me in to gestational diabetes, that is complete crap. Just saying. SO, I go back next week to do a 3 hour fasting glucose test which sounds completely miserable. Other than that, though, the baby is head down (!!), something that Owen wasn't for another few WEEKS (and after multiple trips to the chiropractor/acupuncturist, etc), so that was good news. Also, his/her heartbeat was great and everything else looked great. 

Random thoughts on pregnancy (pregnancy brain?)

It occurred to me the other day that my hormones this time around have been really stable. Last time I was a weepy mess, and I still have my moments this time but they generally only occur if I haven't eaten enough. Even during a few stressful moments lately, I was completely even keeled and not freaking out at all... in pregnancy #1, I would have completely lost it. I'm not really sure what the lack of hormones mean but I will not complain about this one (and neither will Justin, I'm sure!) 

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