Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pregnancy Round 2: Week 22.

I wish I could say with some sort of enthusiasm how fast this whole pregnancy thing is going but right now I just feel, well, rather blah about it. It seems like it is just DRAGGING on and on. And on and on. I feel like I should be at about week 35 right now, which is completely illogical (I  KNOW!) but I just feel like I have been pregnant forever and I am just ready to get this OVER WITH already. Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that the last 2+ years, I have offered my body as a sacrifice to other PEOPLE. Pregnancy #1, breast fed for 18 months, pregnancy #2. I think my poor little body is just tired of being some one else's fortress. Or maybe right now that is just my head. I never promised I would be positive and uplifting here, but I have always said I'd be honest so there it is. Maybe it's just a weird pregnancy moment this week and next week I'll be back to "this is so cool!" One thing I've learned in pregnancy is that you just NEVER KNOW how the hell you'll react to things one day (minute) to another.


Week 22 side view.  Side note: this cracks me up because I swear I feel about 40000 times larger than this picture. I actually went back to the photos to make sure that I pulled the right one. 

Week 22 front view.

Week 21 side view... looking bigger than week 22?!

Week 21 front view. 

How I'm feeling?
Other than the fact that I feel a little blah right now (as already mentioned), I really don't feel TOO bad. The second semester is really relatively awesome, all things considered (you know, the fact that I do happen to be pregnant). I SO wish I could be one of those people that just loves being pregnant. I really try, honestly. I think parts of it are so incredibly cool and the whole process really, truly does blow my mind.... AND, I am eternally grateful that getting pregnant was never an issue for me. BUT. I hate being pregnant. I just hate it. It's one of the coolest things in the world that has definitely changed me and I'm so glad that I've had the experience, but I would not like to relive it again once it's over. I've always said after Owen that I would give birth every day if I could- if it meant that I didn't have to be pregnant, or be the Dugar family with 20 kids. The whole birthing/labor thing was honestly the coolest, most life transforming event I've experienced to date. Amazing. But, I'm getting off topic. 

Due to the fact that I am still feeling pretty "normal" I have been making a concerted effort to work out more. I think I got in 4-5 days this week which is a HUGE improvement of the MAYBE two (if I'm being optimistic) I was getting in the first trimester/beginning of the second trimester. I've been trying to do different things- 2-3 days of weight lifting and amping up the cardio. Mostly walking/hiking/elliptical. I don't really remember when I gave up running with Owen, but I have given it up now with this monkey. My hips just revolt even at the least amount of mileage right now. It's just not worth what could be long term side effects of pushing a little run right now. I'd much rather be able to run for the next 30 years of my life.  

Remember last week how I was having stomach problems? Of the stopped up variety? Yeah. None of that this week. Hooray, I guess, except for this week my stomach revolted and was so sick again in a different way- as in everything wanted to come out and eating was just kind of an effort I had to make to stay alive. Yuck. What is up with that?  

How I'm changing?
Just getting HUGE. Hips are shifting (see above and the no running thing). Still have nice acne everywhere... also: gross. With Owen, I had it more back-ne and shoulder-ne.... ick. This time, I don't have any of that, but my face looks like the equivalent of a 17 year old. Lovely! 

What I'm eating?
Eating everything I normally do when I'm not pregnant. I will say I have had some major cravings this week for two things- rice milk lattes (decaf of course) from cafe ladro, and turkey burgers. Bizarre, but I'm just going with it. 

Weight I'm gaining?
137 pounds this week, up one from the 136 pounds last week. I was 135 this time with Owen, so right in line. About a 22 pound gain so far with pregnancy #2. 

How I'm sleeping?
Not sleeping too bad. I get up about once a night to pee, which is a VAST improvement over my nightly wake ups when I was pregnant with Owen. I swear, with him I was up peeing 3-5 times a night. Maybe the time I am sleeping is shorter, so I have to pee less. Or the position of the baby is just different. Hard to say. 

What's the baby doing?
-The baby is about 11 inches long (almost the size of a ruler- WHOA) or the size of a spaghetti squash. The baby is about 1 pound.
-The baby is continuing to develop its senses, including it's taste buds and touch
-The baby looks like a miniature newborn (no longer like an alien!) His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are more distinct and tiny tooth buds are developing. The eyes have formed but the irises still lack pigment.
-Mostly the baby continues to grow and grow and is moving all about, especially since there is still alot of room for him in the womb (NO KIDDING)...

What we are doing to prepare for the baby?
I went through a little stage this week that might be called "nesting." I organized our closets and Owen's closet. I am going to put all the newborn clothes in with Owen's initially and I wanted to make some room. I actually thought about starting to bring out the newborn clothes. Went out to the garage and opened the boxes, saw a little onsie, freaked about how dang small it was, shut it and chalked it up for a project for another day. I still have time, right? 

Random thoughts on pregnancy (pregnancy brain?)

More on nesting. It is a real thing. It's so bizarre. I'm always one who has to go go go, so on the weekends we always have something going on- whether we are taking Owen somewhere or doing house projects. But lately, I have just had this crazy drive to get the house in perfect order. It occurred to me that I am definitely nesting. (And perfect order: HA). I'm not sure when/if I nested with Owen. I'm sure I did but I don't remember it happening so soon, but perhaps the urge was just naturally taken care of by doing things like putting the nursery together back then. Anyway, I had the idea of doing a major house project this weekend. So, we took on the daunting task of removing one of the last popcorn ceilings in our house- the kitchen. We'd done the rest of the house when we moved in and really SHOULD have done the kitchen first, but we didn't. I thought we should just do it and get it over with before the baby comes and what better time than now? It was a LOT of work. I had forgotten how messy it was, too. It's another post entirely, but that coupled with my complete organization of closets made me realize that I am indeed beginning to nest. 

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