Friday, June 22, 2012

Week 29.

One last week in the 20s. Which means only one more 10 week period until The Date. I need to get used to this idea in a serious way. Like come to grips with the idea that I'm not just pregnant and while that is cute and all, there is a real live baby in there that is definitely going to come out. In 10 weeks. (ish). Pictures of the growing belly, back in the regular home (oh and let's just ignore the fact that pregnancy brain prevented me from remembering to take pictures until about 30 weeks and 2 days.... ah, it's close enough:

Week 29... or 30 weeks day 2.

Shot #2.

And the terrible week 28 picture for comparison. I'm going to blame the extra bloated-ness on the oatmeal cookies that seem to reign supreme when I visit Kansas City.

How I'm feeling?
Totally pregnant. That seems like a silly thing to say but up it's really started to hit home in a different way. I think I may even be developing a bit of a waddle. It was quite interesting to play golf in Kansas City with the extra weight. I actually hit pretty amazing. Not sure if it was the new clubs or just the fact that the extra weight gave me some extra ooomph but I was a fan.

Going to Kansas City was also our last flight pre-baby and it went well. On the way out, I got pretty swollen feet/legs so that was a bit uncomfortable. I can't really say that I'm all too sad that the airport molestations (pat downs) are over.

ALSO speaking of being swollen: I do not understand why women have babies in the summer. I mean, really, it shouldn't even be possible to be in your third trimester in the summer.  HOLY CRAP. As my husband says, I am a true lizard and would live happily in 90-100 degrees. NO WAY would I ever choose to be pregnant (or specifically, in the third trimester) and live in 90-100 degrees. That was confirmed without a doubt when we visited KC where it was 87-93 degrees the whole time. By the end of every day, I wanted to either a) die or b)chop my feet off.  And related: who knew that being swollen would be so uncomfortable? It freaking hurts! I have no high blood pressure, have a totally normal pregnancy but WOW... the heat just dicks with you if you're pregnant. I now say something I will never repeat again unless I am pregnant and in my third trimester in the summer months: I hope Seattle does not have a good summer. (I will also now wear a bag over my head to not have things thrown at me when I walk out of the house by Seattle people who live here only FOR the summer)...  

How I'm changing?
Just getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Welcome to the next 10 weeks of my life (oh and the last 29) until BAM, baby is born and we'll hopefully be on the smaller and smaller and smaller track of things.

Oh, a new thing this week? Leg cramps. Apparently very common in pregnant women but wow. From what I've heard and read, no one really knows why they are caused- some think excess weight, some think pressure on the veins, some thinks reduced blood flow to the legs but who knows. I just know I'm not (and never was) a fan of charlie horses. Especially when they wake me up in the middle of the night. I've been increasing my electrolytes and that's seeming to help so we'll see if we can keep them under control.

What I'm eating?
Kansas City visits are never a good gage of my regular eating habits. My mom has tons of good stuff in house and while none of it is BAD per se, it is just there ALL OF THE TIME. I learned in about, oh, college, that whenever I go home I automatically put on about 1-2 pounds. Who doesn't love raiding their parents fridge or cupboards? There is always such good stuff in there! It didn't help this time that there was a baby shower complete with cake, cookies and all sorts of goodies that made my insane sweet tooth (that is usually under control) break free in a serious way. Kansas City is always a little bit gluttonous. Usually though I run a lot when I'm there... this time I walked every day but it wasn't quite the same.

Weight I'm gaining? 
Considering I'd just come back from Kansas City,  I can't believe that I had the audacity to step on a scale the DAY AFTER we flew in. Usually I wait 3-4 days for my body to remember it's "normal..." but this time I figured, ah, why not? Let's just see what the worst is. 141.5. Seriously, I will take it!

How I'm sleeping?
Still 2-3 pee trips a night, but otherwise not bad. Justin and I sleep on twin beds when at my parents house so I always sleep a little bit worse... what can I say? I like to cuddle with that cute boy.

What's the baby doing?
-The baby is 15.25 inches or the size of a butternut squash and weighs about 2.5 pounds
-The baby is beginning a major growth spurt that will continue over the next 3 months (NO KIDDING)
-Movements may become less pronounced as the space in your stomach gets smaller (again, DUH)
-Muscles and lungs are continuing to mature and your bay's head is growing bigger to make room for the developing brain (great, as long as the head is not HUGE as it has to come OUT of me)
-The baby is sucking all the calcium from you as the bones are continuing to harden.

What we are doing to prepare for the baby?
-We had our first baby shower this week in Kansas City so we didn't really DO a lot for the baby but we GOT a lot for the baby including some big ticket items like breast pump and car seat (along with all of the nursery furniture and bedding) thanks to very generous family. We also got a lot of clothes, some bottles, some bouncers, moby wrap, ergo, toys, etc.... basically so much stuff that we were blown away by eveyone's generosity. We shipped a chunk of it back and carried a lot of it back. We stuffed some of it in the golf bag and when we went to play golf the following week, Justin tried to find a ball and instead pulled out some baby socks and a bib. It was pretty cute.

Random thoughts on pregnancy (pregnancy brain?)
This week I think I'm just really starting to realize how REAL this is. Again, it sounds almost as silly as saying "I feel pregnant" when CLEARLY I've been pregnant and know that that means that a baby will eventually come out. But this week for some reason- whether it was the shower or the realization that I am almost in single digit weeks until baby- it really struck me that we are going to have a little PERSON. It's weird to say but I've been really trying to get my head around that... it feels so real and so surreal all at once. Maybe that doesn't even make sense (we'll just go ahead and blame the pregnancy brain fog....again).