Friday, January 30, 2009


This morning there was apparently an earthquake in Seattle. See!

I am pretty bummed because I just slept through it, didn't even wake me up. Tim was working though so if I had woken up to an earthquake, I probably would have been slightly freaked out. Mainly because I have never been in an earthquake before. I would have no idea what to do.

I grew up in the midwest, where we had tornadoes. And when they come around you hide under stuff (unless you are my mom and you feel compelled to open the garage door and stand outside so you can see it-this, by the way, is not recommended). Hiding under stuff is probably not the best tactic for earthquakes. In Phoenix, the only real natural disasters were monsoons and dust storms. And these, I just kinda sat and watched from a distance.

But earthquakes? No experience.

On my first day of my job here in Seattle, I got handed an "earthquake survival kit" to put under my desk as well as a lecture about how I should keep walking shoes in my office so that if an earthquake happens while at work, I can walk home. Uh.... I was a little freaked to say the least.

Since then I have been anticipating my first earthquake. For two years I have waited. And I slept through it. Bummer.

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