Tuesday, November 4, 2008

VOTE bitches!

I do not personally care who you vote for or why... whether you are ignorant and just pick someone based on what the media says or just because you like their, um, style, but the point is that everyone should get out there today and vote. I did, several days ago actually.

I have been following politics religiously this year and like to think that I am much more informed than I have made myself in the past. I have read both candidates policies have watched countless hours of both right wing and left wing media, have read articles and articles of opinions, policies, personal addendums... It has become somewhat of a passion. Because whatever you do or don't believe, this country needs a new leader, a change, someone in a time that is uncertain at best.

It is in ALL of our best interest for our future, our kids future, our country's future to take an active and vested interest in who we want that person to be. We can all make that choice for whoever we respectively believe that person to be. For me, I have no hesitation saying that I voted for Barack Obama.

Now your turn- go vote.

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