Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Spinning out of control

I'm convinced that the CPA exam is going to be the end of me.

Trite, of course.

But I go to bed dreaming about numbers, people. I wake up thinking about leases. I take a shower and I think about the different disclosures required for pensions plans. Sometimes when I'm on the phone, talking with clients, hanging with friends, I think I start speaking in tongues in a way that makes them look around like make. the. madness. stop. They do not care that I can recite FASB 144 or SFAS13. And that I do so on command, I even do it in the middle of conversations just because I cannot process any normal conversations anymore. I'm asked a question and all I can respond with is some kind of reference to the statement of cash flows. DO WE NOW SEE THE PROBLEM HERE?

Like I said, the CPA exam is going to be the end of me. And, while confident in my abilities, I'm very confident in the ability of this test to kick the living crap out of me. And that's ok. I fully expect to take it again because I sincerely doubt that one round of this torture will be enough to satisfy it and the effect it's having on my life.


Quakewatcher said...

Hang in there, you will get back to normal speak soon....and then wonder, what is FASB 13? So just relax a little and know you will be so proud of yourself and what you have demonstrated that you can do when you put your mind to it.
I'm sure you will do great Jenn!

P1 said...

It's the FDA Form 1572 for me. Getting to know it really well.