Tuesday, November 8, 2005


You know how people always say, "You'll just know when the time is right," or "You'll just know if you're making the right decision," well, I'm just not sure I agree with that. Sometimes I wonder if any decision I've ever made is completely 100% perfectly right or if I could have made a different decision that would have been right in different ways. How do you really know for sure? And how do you know when the 'time' is right? Does something hit you between the eyes to make you aware? Sometimes I think getting smacked at the 'right time' would be easier because how else do you know? Hmm...


rachel said...

are you talking about babies?

Jenn said...

No not really...I had just heard an interview where someone said, "I just knew when the time was right," and it got me thinking. I guess it could refer to babies...because I sure as hell don't feel like the time is right now and I definitely do wonder if someone will smack me at the point when it is ideal for me to have kids... but I guess my post was more general than specific.

P1 said...

I've always been skeptical about such rationales. If it is right now, it was probably right then, and it will probably be right tomorrow. I think when people say it is "just the right time" it usually means they're tired of not doing something or resisting something for so long. Or they don't know why they've done something or made some choice, so they substitute this kind of vague explanation.

Jenn said...

Well said...

rachel said...

p1 is my dad, by the way. :)
plus, it is ok if you were talking about babies! you and tim would make very cute babies!