Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thankful in November: Day #3

 Today I am thankful for 3 pretty wonderful young men. 

I met Bailey and Oliver several years ago when Oliver was 13 and Bailey was 14. When I first started to date Justin, a lot of people looked at me in fascination when I told them that he had two teenage boys. I could see the wheels turning in their heads pondering this one but to me, it was one of the reasons that I fell in love with Justin. Not only did I appreciate how great of a father he was to them, but I truly enjoyed both of these young men. They really are amazing people which is a testament to their mom and dad, and I feel like I am blessed that they are my step sons. I missed out on a large part of their child hood but I am glad that we've had the past few years to get to know each other and that we'll have many more to come. I love each of them for all that they are and everything that they add to this world and I can't wait to see where they go in life. In addition, they are pretty fabulous big brothers to baby Owen, too. I know that one day they are going to be Owen's heros and he is going to follow them around relentlessly.

Of course, I am also beyond thankful for my precious babe, Owen. I knew I loved him the day he was born and words do not even begin to describe how thankful I am to be his mom. It's a love unlike any I've ever experienced and in a lot of ways it makes me feel stronger towards Bailey and Oliver because I now know what it's like to be a true mom.

I'm pretty lucky to have such wonderful men in my life.

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