Monday, November 16, 2009

Toning up.

There is a gym in our building. Our company is the only company in the building that can access it- free for all employees. Lately I've heard of several of my co-workers not only using the gym but going there to get personal training from the guy who runs it (which, unfortunately, is not free to us). I thought, well, I don't really need personal training but it WOULD be nice to have a convenient stop to work out on my way to/from work, especially during the dark, rainy days AND during busy season where I seem to consistently NOT work out year after year.

So last Thursday I went down there to talk to the guy that runs it and SOMEHOW he sold me on the idea of testing my body comps, etc. I told him I didn't really "need" personal training because I felt like I am in decent shape, I'm active, etc. I just needed a place that I would go to stay in shape, especially during the winter/busy season.

This guy is AMAZING. We just chatted and chatted and I felt like I'd known him forever and I feel like I'm throwing up words about my health/fitness, where I've been in that quest, where I want to be and even telling him that one of my life goals would be to eventually train people myself or own my own wellness practice where I could couple my accounting/business background with my passion for nutrition/life coaching/fitness. And on and on and on...

Next thing you know? He has me convinced that I probably don't work ALL muscle groups and I SHOULD get my body comps tested.


So I go back yesterday to get all measured. Everything looked about like I thought it would. I'm not AS awesome as I was a couple of years ago as far as body fat %... I was at 24% (which is in the correct range for females but I used to be around 18-20%, which is more appropriate for an athletic female- not that I really want to be there again OR be "athletic", but still). I weighed in at 110 pounds, which, again, is about what I expected. I don't own a scale, so I never really know but this never changes, it seems (at least based on my annual doctor visits)...

He did about 40 minutes of analyzing my body/flexibility/muscle mass, etc. And next thing you know? I have a personal trainer. To help me tone up the muscle groups that I don't always work with just running/hiking/yoga/pilates (my normal activities). I'm pretty excited. I'm not in it to lose weight, just to gain muscle mass in areas that could use it so I might even gain weight, which wouldn't be a bad thing. And of course, I'm always in a quest for ultimate health and I do feel like sometimes I am lacking in this area (tone in certain muscle groups-like tone in my shoulders that will help my posture), even though I feel like in other areas, I've got it down (nutrition, cardio). So I've been keeping a food journal so that he can assess that area and I do a fitness assessment as my first workout with him today to determine how much weight I can do for different muscles so we have a starting point. It's my first "official" workout although the program that is tailored specifically to my body starts on Wednesday. I can't wait! I LOVE THIS STUFF!!!! (although I must say I am a little scared that I am going to be more out of shape at lifting than I am anticipating....) We'll see, regardless, I'm excited!

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