Sunday, September 3, 2006

Babies, watermelons, and revelations

So in honor of the traditional labor day festivities, we decided to have a barbeque today since Tim's brother, Aaron, is in town visiting us and he leaves in the middle of the day tomorrow. We went to the grocery store to get the appropriate items, one of which was a watermelon. On the way home, I sat with it on my lap to prevent any rolling that might occur anywhere else in the car.

As I was sitting there with this 10 pound ball on my lap, I had the sudden revelation that it must really be uncomfortable to be pregnant and to be carrying something in your actual body that is similar to this size and shape. I mean... wow. I made the comment to Tim and he basically looked at me like I was crazy. Then I tried to stuff the melon under my shirt to put a realistic spin on it and I think that he freaked a little himself. For whatever reason, because of this ball of melon and its sheer weight, I gained an entirely new respect for all of the mothers out there in the world. I mean, seriously, not only does pregnancy seem highly uncomfortable but after you go through all of that, then you actually have a baby (and everyone KNOWS what comes along with that). I cannot even begin to imagine how, if and when I will ever be prepared for the actuality of this motherhood process... and to think that these thoughts all spawned from a melon... who knew that melons could be so profound?

1 comment:

bgunner said...

but babies are so much more fun than mellons!