Sunday, March 26, 2006

Broken phones and such

Last weekend a few of our friends from college were in town to hang out with us and to watch some spring training baseball games. It was so awesome to have them here!! They got in on Friday night and left Tuesday night so we had quite a bit of time with them. I felt bad because I still had to work while they were here (even Saturday) but I put in less hours so I could see them more...

I think they had fun hanging with us... maybe they'll even move to Phoenix-that would be awesome! Anyway, Saturday night we all went down to the pool here and grilled out and hung out. Last weekend was freezing here (like 50s and 60s and a little rainy) so I decided I was not going to get in the pool or hot tub because it was so cold. I wore jeans and a sweater. Everyone else decided to wear swim trunks... apparently 60s felt warm to them. Anyway, for whatever reason (we won't go into details), I eventually made the intelligent decision to jump into the pool with all of my clothes on... oh, and did I mention that my phone was in my pocket? Brilliant. So, when I eventually realized that indeeed, my phone WAS in my pocket, it was too late. It died. It was a sad, sad day in the life of my phone. Hopefully I'll be able to at least get the numbers out of it eventually...we're hoping it just needs a new battery.

Anyway, we had a few pretty late nights with our friends so I was pretty tired all week...but it was so worth it just to be able to see them. Friday night, though, I slept for 11 hours...I think that I was catching up from the lack of sleep in the beginning of the week. I can't remember the last time I slept more than 8 hours... it was very weird.

Anyway, we love anyone who has not come to see us, come right away! Well, maybe if you want to see more of me, come after about May 15th. I think we are pretty fun people... I jumped in a pool with all of my clothes on just in an attempt to entertain my guests (and I think it worked!) Anyway, it was so good to see friends... as much as we love Phoenix, it's hard to not be around our friends. And even though I know we'll continue to build relationships here, it's not the same as the people we've known for several years. At least we still see them every once in a while and when we do, it's like we've never spent any time apart. So, I guess it all works out...

And as a sidenote, can anyone else get their head around the fact that it's the freakin end of March? I'm not kidding when I say the first three months of the year felt like 3 weeks. I have no idea where they went or what I did. Oh wait. I worked. Right. But still...unbelievable. The end of March?? What?? Astounding.

1 comment:

BULLSEYE said...

Well, alrighty then...