Saturday, February 9, 2013


A couple of weeks ago, Justin celebrated his 39th birthday. And by celebrated, I mean he tried to ignore it. Tried being the key word. Of course I couldn't let THAT happen. The day started out by a bunch of his clients wishing him a happy birthday, thanks to his sweet wife spreading the word that it was his big day (and thanks to his awesome client for sending me pictures of his harassment!) 

Then Owen and I wrapped some presents for him. 

Owen decided he wanted to unwrap one...

...and then eat it. Or at least the paper.

Shortly after, Justin got home and we all opened his presents. Nothing too exciting, just things that he loves... bourbon, vega, energy bars. Oh, and I also bought him so VERY exciting things: electric toothbrushes and a set of skillets (since I somehow managed to ruin all of ours in the past 2 weeks). Ahem, yeah, if those presents don't scream OLD MARRIED COUPLE, I'm not sure what does.

Later that night, our awesome neighbor watched Owen while Justin and I went out on a date night to Carmelita. It's a fancy schmancy little vegetarian restaurant over in Seattle. Justin had been there once before but I'd never been. It was yummy! It was also SO nice to be out with Justin but we were both so exhausted after a long week (and a few sub-par nights from Mr. Oeo) that by 8:30 we were at our neighbor's and practically falling asleep by 8:45.

The next day we took off bright and early for Leavenworth. We had decided to go over for Saturday/Sunday to celebrate Justin's birthday. We drove over and went snow shoeing before we checked in at the house we had rented for the night. Snow shoeing was pretty fun other than the fact that I started off FREEZING, then completely bit it face first into the snow and started crying (not my best moment). I do not like being cold and I also do not like to fall in the snow when I am cold. After that, we headed back to more of a main road which was much better and I was a happy camper. Owen had a ton of fun, too.

After we played in the mountains some, we went to our rental house, complete with a game room. We settled in, ate some carrot (birthday) cake, let Owen take a nap, then headed out to South- a favorite restaurant of ours in Leavenworth. There, we (well, Justin) was met with a SURPRISE! Hehehe. I had planned for a bunch of his buddies, his sons, and his mom to meet us there for dinner. He was shocked. It was awesome. 

There were about 15 of us there and we had a great time. I think Owen was a little overstimulated and it was about 4000 million degrees in there, but other than that it was fabulous. 

After spending the evening with Justin's mom and Oliver at our rental house, we went out skate skiing on Sunday morning. Skate skiing is my nemesis. I want so badly to love it because it looks like it would be so fun but I just CAN'T GET IT. I look like a duck that had it's flippers cut off when I'm trying to do it and since I can't move more than .00002 miles per hour, I also FREEZE while I'm trying to learn. Again with the being cold thing: not a good combo when I suck at something and at the same time I am cursing everything in existence because I am cold and miserable and not to mention, can't feel my extremities. I was not born a cold weather lover. So, that lasted about an hour and my poor husband is such a good and patient person when I know he'd love to just take off and ski. He's amazing at it! But I tried and will keep trying. We headed home, packed up, then headed to breakfast before hitting the road back to Seattle.

It was a quick birthday weekend but so much fun... and the fun continued as Owen got to play with the birthday boy's balloons for the whole next week. Just wait until next year, baby, the big 4-0..... !

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