Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Damn you auto correct.

Has anyone seen that damn you auto correct website? Go here. For anyone that has an iphone, it's pretty priceless because I swear, Steve Jobs is just screwing with people on these phones and secretly reading all the flubs (and this website) all while laughing his ass off at his great idea to auto correct certain words. I can't even tell you how many times I've texted something only to read it after it's sent and go "NO NO NO" I did not MEAN THAT.

Of course, in the throes of busy season was the best as I was frantically trying to send out texts/emails/contact people, etc all via phone while in transit or just trying to get things done remotely.

One such email went to a female coworker and read like this:

"We can try to make it work either tonight or tomorrow am... Totally fine if u go to the gym. I'll be at the office till 7pm tonight but if we kiss each other let's meet tomorrow morning."

Um, MISS. MISS. MISS. Not kiss.

Luckily, this is one of my friends and I think she responded by saying something to the affect of, "Oh, I won't sleep all night thinking of that kiss." And then we laughed for 5 minutes. We'll call the uncontrollable laughter "busy season delirium."

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