Thursday, October 4, 2007

Accounting is a dangerous profession

Somedays I have to take my laptop home from work so that I can work at night. Last night, I decided that this was necessary. So as I was leaving, I was putting my laptop away into my computer bag and then I was unplugging my power cord. The next thing I know?


I electrocuted myself.


I never stuck my finger in a socket as a kid so I guess this makes up for that. It was very bizzare. The shock ran all the way up my arm and into my back. Probably not supposed to do that on a regular basis.

It's not the first time I've managed to injure myself on the job. A year or so ago, I fell down about 20 steps at a clients and landed in divebomb position on the floor... and the floor was marble so I skidded on my stomach about ten feet across it.

Now, that? THAT was classic.


Kristyn said...

all i have to say is, smooth. I'm glad you are posting again! I've missed reading about your life. We need to talk soon, we have a lot to catch up on.

daniel said...

Who says your blog doesn't work?!? Actually i was searching out some accountants and i fell into your blog. I read around a little and i would like to introduce myself. My name is Daniel and you learn more about me at the web site i listed in my signature.

I am writing you to discuss some opportunities that we may have to work together. I am going to also send you an email with more details, wanted to leave a post as well. I get so excited when i receive a post, I hope you feel the same way.

daniel said...

Tried to find your email and didn't succeed. So i will write you another short note.

I am in the business retirement planning and investments. I specialize in self directed IRAs and real estate related investments. I have a nice Hedge Fund portfolio that i manage and has established a verifiable track record for my past successes. I wanted to know if you had an interest to learn about me to determine if we may be able to work together. I would be up for getting together for beer or casual coffee. Let me know and before you contact me check our (updated information) and (marketing site) Call me 602-254-6244 Daniel