Sunday, August 13, 2006

Apparently accidents happen without awareness...

Makes no sense, right? I know. I'm with you.

So a week or so ago, I finally decided that the airplane noise that the mini cooper was making every time it was turned off was not normal. I took it into the dealer and because we live in Arizona, something about the water pump was screwed up. Since the car was bought brand new and it's only 1 1/2 years old, it was covered under warranty.

So, I leave it there and get my rental car: a 2006 audi A4 convertible. Sweet. And I go on my way.

I get a call that afternoon in the office that I need two front tires. Price: $900. No way. I'll take it somewhere else. They say fine, the water pump will be fixed in the morning and will be ready by noon. Cool.

The next morning at about 9 a.m., I get a call from the dealer again. They ask if I've been in an accident. Huh? Um, no. Apparently when they were taking the car apart, they found that either 1) I had rear ended someone 2) I had hit something with my front end or 3) someone had hit me. The condenser was bent in so severely that they said it was something I would definitely remember. As a result of the condenser being bent in, if I opted not to fix it immediately, I would then be faced with having to get a new radiator because the condenser was bent to a point where it was making a hole in the radiator. Ugh. So, we went back and forth with the dealer. We didn't feel like we were liable because we hadn't been in an accident. I mean, seriously, how do we know THEY didn't do it? They basically said that if that's the way I felt, we could come get the car. Jackasses. We had no choice but to just suck it up and pay it.

Luckily I was driving a cool, fun rental car... but STILL.

So, the next day I go in and pay approximately $1,000 for a new condenser. And the guy is a complete dick to me (I think Tim had been kind of a jerk to him the prior day when we were going back and forth about whose liability it was... but that was justified!) So that made me mad. And then, this freakshow has the audacity to tell me that he took off $50 from the bill. Oh, thanks a-hole. I mean, seriously. I'm paying $1000... do you really think I give a crap about $50? If the total labor was $100 and he took off $50, that would be a different story.

Anyway, it was frustrating, to say the least. The only thing we can figure is that someone hit us in a parking lot or something.

Last week was an expensive week... that's the moral of the story. We paid $1000 for the car, $2600 for the mortgage, and $3300 for the dumb CPA exam stuff (which I am really NOT looking forward to). Why does grown up stuff have to be so expensive? Sometimes I just want to rewind the clock all the way back to 2nd grade... stuff was so much simpler then... I didn't even know that cars had problems or what mortgages were back then. All I cared about was what clothes my barbies were wearing.


rachel said...

i hate expensive adult stuff. we just bought a washer and dryer and we ended spending waya more than i wanted to... but i do love the new washer and dryer!

i am sorry about the car. it all seems much to expensive for a new car that is still under warranty. those car mechanics had better be telling the truth or i will come beat them up!

bgunner said...

life's grand