Monday, October 27, 2014

Daily Owen & Bennett: 10.26.2014

Our little Frankenstein at 6am:

And cuddles from the big turtle:

We decided to make a run to the pumpkin patch first thing. It looked like we had a window between storms so we headed out and dodged downed trees from the storm the night before on our way there. The farm didn't even have power once we got there due to the prior nights' wind storm. But, it was a blast and we got a few minutes of sun before it started dumping rain again on our way out.

Owen was so excited to ride in a wagon pulled by a tractor!

Meanwhile Bennett couldn't have cared less.

Couch cuddles once we got home to warm up.

Later: Justin was out in the downpour clearing out the gutters. Haha!

And Bennett learned to really kick in the bath last night. He had an absolute ball until he kicked so hard the tub scooted, hit the coffee grinder and turned it on which scared the beejebus out of him. Never seen him so agile- think he was actually trying to jump out of the tub. Poor guy. 

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