Sunday, August 10, 2008

Summer fun and other ramblings...

It has been noted by several people that I have not updated this blog for a while. Um, yeah. Sorry about that. I have no good excuses other than I've just been trying to figure out how the hell time goes so fast!

Here's a recap since July of the major events (to be followed by pictures, as soon as possible):

-July 4th was spent in a rather mellow way... just a nice barbecue with T's family. We had every intention to go see fireworks that night but by the time we left the family party, it was already 10:30 and fireworks started at 10:30.

-Mid July- Rich and Stacie's housewarming party. They had their housewarming party almost a year to the day when they will be getting married next year. They are such a cute couple. I got to know them when I first started at my job up here... they were both seniors as well at the time (and they had met at work!) Within a couple of months, they had both left for private accounting controller jobs and I was the lone senior. Shortly after they got engaged. They are a ton of fun to be around and it was such a good day to hang with them and other friends, see their new house, and even play flip cup. Um, that took me back to the day.

-Late July- work golf day. Good times. I'm on the event committee and we were in charge of coming up with a theme for the day. We picked most ugly golf outfit- basically meaning come mismatched. I hope that someone has a picture of me that day. I looked fabulous. Black flowery shorts, pink striped golf polo, blue and white knee high soccer socks, red shoes, pigtails, and a purple flowery visor. Classy. I was on a team with my friend Rhett and we had a good time playing, looking ridiculous and drinking mimosas at 8am. I actually played really well. Afterwards, we all headed out to the beach. The company gives us the afternoon off so why not seize the opportunity to lay on the beach and play beach volleyball?

-First week of August- SeaFair in Seattle kicked off on Friday night by a gathering at Rhett's house. Fun times. It took me a year to actually figure out what SeaFair means. I'm still a little sketchy other than it means that everyone spends the entire weekend on boats on Lake Washington. I think there are boat races or something. Also on SeaFair weekend, we hung out with the little girls all day on Sunday. I think I've mentioned before that they are 5, 3, and 1. They are very cute. And also good birth control.

-Last weekend we went to our friends Steve and Krystal's wedding. I work with Steve and have hung out with him and Krystal on numerous occasions. It was a pretty small wedding and usually if you plan a Washington wedding in August, you are almost guaranteed sunshine and warmth. Um, it rained Saturday. For seriously the first time since June! But their unprotected ceremony was rain free. As soon as we moved to the reception, it started pouring. Luckily, that was covered. Interestingly enough, right as Krystal was walking down the isle, a bird pooped on me. Lovely. The row of us was trying not to absolutely die but it was so huge and disgusting and strangely hilarious. I have bad luck with being pooped on by birds. It's actually very odd.

I think those are the major events that have happened in the past month or so. More blogging to come (and pictures!)

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