Well, little guy, you are just on the verge of turning 10 months old and I'm just catching up to your 8 month blog post. Whoops. Right after you turned 8 months in April started with your brother puking his guts out and a nice little stomach bug that you both shared for about two weeks. Owen threw up for 24 hours, then he had off/on diarrhea for a week and JUST as he was getting over it, you got it! Whoo. And since then we've been in the mad race of life. No excuses, but it's been a little bit crazy. So backing up- 8 months:
Owen at 8 months on the left, you on the right.
Month 1-3 on the left, 1-6 on the right...
...And 7 months on left, 8 on right.
What did we do this month? Well, since you aren't quite TOTALLY mobile (yet), we spent a lot of time at the gym again! Enjoying this while we can! You are army crawling like mad, so it's only a matter of time before our lives as we know it are changed forever.
You did, however, start the army crawl, you just aren't really consistent about it. Here you are after having army crawled over to Luke. Poor dog takes such abuse from you and your brother.
Now that you can get around, you've found all sorts of new things, and we find you "playing" with these new finds. Like the carpet (gross).
And your barf (even more gross).
And brother's toys... which usually ends up in a scream "NO B, NO, MINE!" (yeah, that's been fun).
You try SO hard to get where you want to go and your tongue seems to help you to do the trick. It does not get old (SO ADORABLE).
We also played with your friend Tiernan this month. He's a month younger than you and it's fun to watch the two of you together. Of course here he looks just a little scared of you.
We also played with your friends from mom's work this month.
You all were born a month within each other- Nolan (10 months), Kate (9 months), you (8 months) and Peyton (7 months). Too cute to watch you guys grow up together.
You also developed a love for the jumper! Which is good because I know from Owen how short this phase is and then you veto it (which sucks).
You also continued on with swim lessons! You seem to still like them a lot.
And sometimes you helped poppy to work out, too.
We also spent a lot of time riding around the yard in your trike. The weather was starting to get nice, so why not? You weren't too helpful at pulling weeds, however.
This month was also your first easter. You really couldn't have cared less.
We started to eat more this month and you were SO not impressed. You were like, "what the heck IS this stuff, mom?!" Pretty much decided you don't like food. Like, AT ALL.
This is pretty much the face you make at everything. GROSS, MOM. And bottles, still a no go.
Owen, however, thinks it's fabulous that you are starting to eat. Maybe he's part of the problem as he shoves everything in your face.
I think we'll get there but so far, you just aren't a fan of food. Whose kid ARE YOU? You have to get with the program to be an official Valente, little dude.
Sleep. Ah, sleep. Slightly better. I think we are making improvements. You at least are not waking up every 2 hours anymore. Still not ideal, but maybe we are making headway.
Of course, you still love to be held and touched. Can't really fault you for that one, although I am glad you aren't insisting on sleeping ON me every night anymore.
You still LOVE, LOVE your brother, even though he torments you mercilessly. Especially now that you are more mobile.
I feel a little sorry for you but I know that someday you are going to hold your own (and maybe then some) against Owen. You are going to be one tough cookie, that's for sure.
You are lucky that you are surrounded by good men who will teach you how to be a great man. I hope to do my part as well, but having good male role models is so important. And then of course there's the whole wrestling aspect.
You love your poppy so much, and have developed quite a bond with him. He makes you laugh just like he makes your older brother laugh.
The one difference between you and your brother is that you are hands down a mama's boy. Owen and your poppy always had a special bond, but you cling to me unlike Owen ever did. I can't really say I mind a whole lot. I know someday this phase may pass, too, so I'm going to enjoy feeling so very special while it lasts.

B- licious, you truly are such a joy to have around. You make us laugh and you make our family dynamic even that much more dynamic. I get to see your dad as a father to not just one but TWO of you. I get to see him handle you in a different way than he did with Owen, because you two have two very distinct personalities. I get to see Owen as a big brother which has also been very special. And at times very alarming in that I have been about 1.5 seconds away from a minor heart attack. But mostly, I've gotten to experience motherhood for a 2nd time around and I have to tell you: it was so special the first time. But being able to experience it twice? And even more than that, having you as the little guy that gave me this chance? I am beyond lucky.